Shaklee Stories

Shaklee Story | Jennifer
Before Jennifer started her wellness business, she was a loyal Shaklee customer for six and a...

Shaklee Story | Dana
Shaklee Ambassador Dana talks about the importance of consistency in pursuing wellness goals,...

My Shaklee Story | Get to Know Tif & Coleton,...
Coleton and Tif share what drew them to Shaklee how true wellness changed their lives. Learn...

My Shaklee Story | Get to Know Robin &...
Christine and Robin share how Shaklee helps them build a supportive wellness community. Learn...

My Shaklee Story | Get to Know Pam & Rachel,...
Rachel and Pam share how Shaklee offers a work-life balance that works for them. Learn more...

My Shaklee Story | Get to Know Barb & Daniella,...
Daniella and Barb share how science nature are foundational to their love of Shaklee. Learn more...

As a first-generation American, Tif started her journey with Shaklee in her early 20’s when she...

Rachel, a dietician, was introduced to Shaklee at a lunch with colleagues in 2021. She was...

Christine, a personal trainer, and mother of four, discovered Shaklee products 13 years ago. She...

Barb started her business with Shaklee 45 years ago by sharing the products she loved with...